Hey Guys! Here is a quick doll review of Monster High's Dead Tired Lagoona Blue. She is the wave three version, and came out relatively recently. I was very excited to recieve her in the mail though, and forgot to take a pic of her in her packaging. Whoops... Anyway here she is:
The Dead Tired lines are pretty much the 'Slumber Party' Lines, so they come ready to party in their PJ's with their slippers, eye masks, and a party treat to share. The Dolls themselves have the standard body and articulation, but their features are all muted for a more 'natural' look for before bed.
I'll start with the hair. This Lagoona has mid to regular-length straight blonde hair with minimal blue highlights, with a middle part (Which is slightly off-centered on my doll). The hair in front is also pulled to the sides and tied in the back.
And as with most (if not all) Lagoonas, she includes the removable leg fins.
Lagoona has some of the most adorable ears ever, but when she first came her ears were covered up by her hair. So I pushed it back and tucked it behind her ears so you can see them better. They are so cute!
And now for the face. Lagoona has large, sort of droopy-looking eyes. In this Dead Tired version, because of the sleepy, more 'natural' look, her makeup is all pastels. She has purple eyebrows (which I find slightly strange considering her hair isn't purple. Shouldn't they be blue or something?), green freckles, and forest green eyes with a olive green section on the bottom. She wears green eyeliner and an aquamarine eye-shadow that (In my opinion) looks very good with her hair and overall aqua color-scheme. She also has muted pink lips, but mine came scuffed, so I may repaint them to a shade of teal to work better with her eye-shadow.
All the Dead Tired dolls come wearing pajamas, and Lagoona is no exception. She wears a black and hot pink shirt with a drooped sleeve, a supportive strap and a printed Lagoona skullete that wears an eye-mask. In addition, she wears a pair of aquamarine shorts with printed scales and bubbles, adorned with hot pink trim and a drawstring. Even though they look like pajamas, when paired separately, they could easily pass for regular clothes. The black top in particular (despite the eye-mask wearing skullete) could work great as a regular shirt.
She also wears a pair of furry, high heeled, teal slippers that have a printed face complete with yellow eyes, red fins, and a fanged smile. She also wears an aquamarine bubble-print eye-mask with pink dots, black trim, and elastic to fasten it in place.
And that is Dead Tired Lagoona! In conclusion, this Lagoona is lovely with muted makeup and hair, a cute and versatile outfit, and an adorable drink accessory. Here is one last shot of her swimming through the air :)